Friday, March 27, 2015

Turn service nightmares into beautiful experiences

The service management is rapidly evolving itself into an altogether new way through which the customers and their problems are being received and handled by service teams within large, medium and small enterprises.

The traditional way of looking at the service management has moved on with injecting correct combination of creative technology and simplicity.

Established organizations are continuing to innovate and improve their service process by introducing new techniques and methodologies with clear intent to go closer to their customers and end-users in a friendly way. 

Tracking and controlling the customer exits with dissatisfaction has become a biggest pain area today. Mantra today is keep the service process as simple as possible to the user groups and customers.

With so much of call center crowd and customer servicing agencies, there is a huge increase in unsolicited calls, ever increasing spam mails - leading to users tend to have a strong breathless feeling about these touch points constantly trying to reach them 24/7 throughout the year. Customers feel that without a smallest drop in your service quality and with minimal communication, their problem should be identified and solved.

At any day, quality of any product sold is increased to many fold only by the after sales service provided by the brand owner or their representative.

With the maturity coming into the process of servicing an end-user or a customer or anyone coming across you, Service Management is slowly becoming an Engineering on its own. We are already in the era, where customized service experience are being defined based on the essence of the product group.

Customer Service Engineering - the new phenomenon to reckon with in coming years. 

Let us turn this nightmare into a nice experience. Put yourself into one of your customer's shoes; try and practice to expect what you need from your own product and/or service; feel the difference; record the gaps; critically rate; improve. This is a vicious cycle - today I am a user of some product; tomorrow I create new product; may be a day-after I myself turn into a Product. The service engineering has all three components linked to each other - the product - the creator - the creator by a nicely created communication between them through a language unspoken - beautiful experience.

To do the least, as a end-user or consumer or a service user - let us remember to share feedback and comments about any product/service in a most shortest route and with best possible intent. 

Visual/image courtesy

Thursday, March 26, 2015

I'm too crazy, but don't fear

I'm too crazy. But don't fear.
I don't want to be too sane, because too much sanity leads to insanity.
I let a little craziness exist in me. That gives zest to life, that makes life juicy.
Let a little irrationality always be there. That makes me capable of playing, being playful; that helps me to relax.
A sane person is utterly hung up in the head, he cannot get down from there. He lives upstairs. Live all over the place, this is your house! Upstairs, good, the ground floor, perfectly good -- and the basement is beautiful too. Live all over the place, this is your house. And don't wait for next time, I would like to tell this old woman, because the next time never comes.
Not that I will not be born again; Then I will start all over again. I will be born again, but then I will forget.
A small story about an old women. This old woman has been here before. She must have been here millions of times before. And I can say to you that each time, near about the age of eighty-five, she would have decided the same way: "Next time I'm going to do it differently." But next time you don't remember -- that's the problem. You lose all memory of the past life. Then again you start from ABC and the same thing happens.

So I would not say to you to wait for the next time. Take hold of this moment! This is the only time there is, there is no other time. Even if you are eighty-five you can start living. And what is there to lose when you are eighty-five? If you go barefoot on the beach in the spring, if you collect daisies -- even if you die in that, nothing is wrong. To die barefoot on the beach is the right way to die. To die collecting daisies is the right way to die. Whether you are eighty-five or fifteen doesn't matter. Take hold of this moment.

I am blessed to have the biggest strength in me - the forgetfulness - to forget bad and worst things! I thank god for giving me such a wonderful storage system up in my head that doesn't want to store all things that I never wanted to store.
I'm too crazy to see
myself; my world; my only life through my own eyes;
excited and enjoying my own fear of known and unknown
in this wonderful journey;
without knowing the day of exit.
I'm too crazy.

Photo Credit:, Concept Credit: